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It all kicks off on Sunday!

The Sunday Summits are a deep-dive into the hottest topic areas in the fintech space.

Sunday Summits

The fintech space is ever changing. It's not enough to just keep up with the pace. True innovators set the pace. To be truly successful you have to stay ahead of the curve and be ready for what lies beyond the horizon, and our Sunday Summits will help give you the tools to succeed.

Our summits are designed around burgeoning topic areas within the fintech ecosystem and give attendees access to a robust offering of content and interaction with thought leaders and experts that are forging a new way forward.

Join us as we dissect current challenges, explore new innovations, and define what is on the fintech horizon.

The Summits are part of the main agenda but seating is limited and on a first-come-first-serve basis.

From Hype to Reality: GenAI in Banking and Fintech Powered by NVIDIA & Oracle

Open Banking Summit

Medical Payments Summit

Policy Deep Dive Summit

Borderless Payments Summit

Banking Technology Summit

What Else Is Kicking Off On Sunday?

Sunday Night Live

Inspired by the best bits of our favorite late-night TV talk shows, opening night with headline keynotes.

Money Row

Networking vibes turned up to an 11 as we return to 3 of the most exclusive restaurants.

Connections Lounge

The hub of where serious business gets done.

Money Hall | Monday - Wednesday

The exhibit hall will open on Monday at 9 AM. Check out the show floor now.