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Podcast Guest

Figen Ceceli

Figen Ceceli
Podcast Guest

Figen Ceceli

SVP, Head of Data Aggregation Product

Fidelity Labs

Speaking at

Monday 28 October, 09:30 - 10:00

OBE Podcast: Open Banking in the U.S. - The Global Gamechanger


As Head of Data Aggregation Product for Fidelity Investments Figen Ceceli delivers large scale enterprise data platforms and open finance/open banking solutions in the cloud. These solutions power rich digital experiences for Fidelity’s customers with enhanced security and data quality using FDX API solutions.

Figen serves on the FDX Board, the FDX Strategic Planning Committee, and MIT CSAIL Future of Data Advisory Board, championing for data rights, transparency, security, and empowering customers with strong controls in the financial data sharing eco-system.

Figen brings 20+ years of expertise in customer centric product and technology innovation and cross-industry perspective across multiple verticals at market leaders like JPMorgan Chase & Co., Fidelity, and Comcast.